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Cybersecurity Team Wins 2nd Place in Massachusetts Cyber Defense Competition

Cybersecurity Team Wins 2nd Place in Massachusetts Cyber Defense Competition

Congratulations to the MHS Cybersecurity Competition Team for earning the Massachusetts 2nd Place Award for the Silver Tier in the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition! They have advanced to the Semi-final round on January 25.

In the state round, the team solved forensic puzzles, identified and addressed vulnerabilities in four systems: Linux OS, Windows OS, Windows Server and Cisco Network. All high school semifinalist teams will have to complete a Boeing Cyber Physical Challenge.

Team Members: Emma Benaoui, Scott Campbell, Sander Goncalves, Sarvesh Maharjan, Gabriel Nascimento, Amir Rhau. The team is coached by MHS technology teacher Jennifer DesAutels.

Cyber Security Team Members
Cyber Security Team Members