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Agenda for the February 12 Regular Meeting of the Medford School Committee

Agenda for the February 12 Regular Meeting of the Medford School Committee
Medford School Committee Meeting

The Fourth Regular Meeting of the Medford School Committee


Monday, February 12, 2024
Executive Session: 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting: 6:30 PM


To Be Held at the Howard Alden Memorial Chambers, Medford City Hall and via remote participation.

The meeting can be viewed through Medford Community Media on Comcast and Verizon.


Agenda for the February 12, 2024 Fourth Regular Medford School Committee Meeting

Zoom Link

Complete Agenda

I. Roll Call for Attendance of Members and Student Representatives

II. Salute the Flag

III. Executive Session

Executive session pursuant to G.L c. 30A (a) (3): the Medford School Committee will convene in Executive Session to discuss strategy in preparation for negotiations with Teamsters Local 25 Administrators, because an open meeting will have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee and the Chair so declares.

Executive session pursuant to G.L c. 30A, § 21 the Medford School Committee will convene in Executive Session to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, or strategies with respect thereto and the Chair so declares.

IV. Consent Agenda

  • Bills and Payrolls
  • Regular School Committee Minutes, January 29, 2024
  • Committee of the Whole Minutes, January 31, 2024

V. Report of Subcommittees

VI. Report of the Superintendent

  1. Superintendent’s Updates and Comments - Dr. Marice Edouard-Vincent, Superintendent

  2. Recommendation to Approve a Donation from Tufts University - Dr. Marice Edouard-Vincent, Superintendent

  3. Midyear FY24 Budget Update - Gerry McCue, Director of Finance

Presentations of the Public (not to begin before 7:00 pm)

“Regular Meetings of the School Committee include this ‘Presentations of the Public’ agenda item to give any resident the opportunity to place a presentation before the School Committee. A resident may only present once at any meeting.

These presentations are an opportunity for the public to make a presentation to the Committee but are not opportunities for dialog with the Committee. If one or more members of the Committee wishes to have a conversation about the topic presented, a member may request that the item be added to a subsequent Regular Meeting.

The details for submitting a presentation can be found within the policy BEDH, Public Comment and Presentations of the Public”

Pursuant to policy BEDH, Public Comment and Presentations of the Public - any resident in the audience may be given permission to speak once on any item on the agenda for up to three (3) minutes. The speaker is expected to keep their comments to the item on the agenda. The speaker must begin their comments by providing their full name and full Medford street address where they reside. A welcoming, inclusive community is both a value of the School Committee and an aspirational goal. We ask for your help in achieving this goal and value your perspective. Employees of the Medford Public Schools are exempt from the residency requirement of this policy. The voice of our employees is welcomed on all matters before this body. When a non-Medford-resident employee is participating in public comment or submitting a presentation of the public they will include their home address and identify themselves as an employee of the Medford Public Schools.

VII. Continued Business

VII. New Business

2024 - 9 Offered by Member Ruseau and Member Olapade

Be it resolved that the name of the school building committee be named the "Medford Comprehensive High School Building Committee"; further, the Superintendent will secure the domain and set up a website dedicated to this project; and further, the chairperson of said committee will be Vice Chair of the Medford School Committee, Jenny Graham.

Date Submitted: February 7, 2024
Date Requested to be on the Agenda: February 12, 2024

IX. Reports Requested

X. Condolences

XI. Next Meeting

March 4, 2024 - Alden Memorial Chambers, Medford City Hall in addition to Zoom

XII. Adjournment