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Basic Needs and Homeless Support

Access Statement Letter as a Google Doc

Access Basic Needs and Homeless Support as a Google Doc.

Letter to Parents, Guardians, Caregivers and Students

Dear Parents, Guardians, Caregivers and Students,

Medford Public Schools strongly believes that positive, supportive, and welcoming school environments are fundamental to a student’s growth as a learner and as an individual. However, we do recognize that certain life events, like temporary or inadequate housing can pose a significant barrier to a student accessing their education.

MPS is deeply committed to supporting every student and their families to ensure consistent and reliable access to a safe, stable, reaffirming, and culturally responsive learning environment. Whether you are new to our district or are an existing member of our community, we look forward to partnering with you to ensure that each student has the opportunity to succeed.

To discuss support, please contact any of the individuals listed in this brochure or speak with a trusted staff member of the school.

In partnership,

Megan Fidler-Carey
Director of Family & Community Engagement
District McKinney Vento Liaison

Basic Needs and Homeless Support/McKinney-Vento Act