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Family and Community Engagement

Mural with hands, birds and the word %22Imagine%22

Director of Family and Community Engagement

Megan Fidler-Carey

Mission Statement

The Office of Family & Community Engagement addresses the needs of students and families outside of the classroom. With the understanding that academic learning is most successful when all needs are met, the OFCE works with families on a continuum of support. This includes but is not limited to the enrollment process, after-school enrichment and transportation needs and helping find social support services. The office partners with community agencies and stakeholders to connect families to resources beyond the schools. The OFCE departments include: Medford Family Network, Registration Office, Before/Afterschool Programs at the Elementary Schools, the Engagement/Attendance team, and Transportation.

The OFCE is the center of the district’s Engagement Hub, connecting the Health, Special Education, Counseling and English Learners departments. This structure puts all students at the center of their learning and well-being while ensuring a shared vision for equity, disability awareness, anti-racism, anti-bias and cultural proficiency.