Fine Arts Events
About Fine Arts
Music Program
Musical programs are available to students in grades K – 12 and include offerings in vocal, classroom, music appreciation and instrumental music. At the elementary level, students are serviced by a music specialist in a program of singing, music history and music theory. In grades 4 and 5 students may also elect to receive instrumental training on wind or string instruments. In middle school, instrumental students may continue their studies or sing in a school choral ensemble. At the high school level, students who are planning careers in music or who are interested in music as a part-time source of income, or as a hobby, will find educational opportunities available to them. All students must take and pass a Fine Arts course for graduation. High school courses include Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Guitar, Percussion, Music Technology, Music Appreciation, and Musical Theater.
Art Program
The art program presents opportunities for students to explore and develop talents in a variety of art forms. At the elementary and middle school levels, weekly classes are presented by an art specialist who introduces basic concepts and nurtures developing skills. At the high school level, students have the opportunity to concentrate in specific art specialties and also broaden their command of media and technique. Offerings include Comprehensive Art, Pottery, Sculpture, and Drawing. Students regularly participate in regional art festivals and local public exhibits.